The Relationship Parole



“The Relationship Parole”…
is really spelled W-O-R-K!

Books included:

*The Roll Call(Re-introducing Yourself to the World on the outside and the Planet on the inside). Your name rank and personal I.D. Because it’s not what people call you, it’s the name you answer too. Taking responsibility for your, choices and identity while recognizing your purpose after the fact.

*The Jacket – The Prosecutors and the Defendants of your future - Gratitude. (If/when you are incarcerated so are your relationships in life). After the roll call you must decide if your rap sheet will match your reputation for life. The estimation of others about you is not what hinders or help you - it’s the choices you make for the future - not the present-day reputation of your past. Actually, there are other – (Avenues-of-Gratitude) to this scenario; be thankful you didn’t try: the Back Door or jackrabbit parole.

*The Cell Warrior’s Podium(When your words are no longer on lockdown and you are Out-in-the-open/Yard, Communicating - will your talk match your walk or will you stay out of population because of your monkey- mouth selling wolf tickets)? Your method of approach to every (1st) impression will determine your facts and theories about people and yourself. All communication is a transaction, transformation and a type of transportation; so learn to articulate with a safe speed and safe driving - instead of a fast approach. (GPS) may be required.

*No Cadillac Job – (Solitary confinement can help or hurt a person’s strength for empowerment. Equally, the revolving doors of incarceration can control you mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically). The structure of Empowerment has more to do with your Frame of Mind for seeing things rather than your muscles and heart for lifting things. Your commitment is no easy job. Providing a permanent focus in the midst of minimum and maximum distractions; then laboring in spite of distractions caused by incidents, accidents and unresolved issues are all of the ingredients for Self-Empowerment.

*Who’re you riding with?–“Get over yourself.” You didn’t become the person you are overnight; so why are you acting like a prison wolf-looking for a one-night stand or a flip flop as a short term solution for your long term problem. Sex, drugs, and alcohol can be life’s little cocktails for cover-ups, secrets, fears, and all other (get-by-getaways).True intimacy comes with an opportunity for stability, balance and harmony. These (3) are the tri-pod for living life with respect for yourself and others as well; because there will be times when you feel like your body left the jail/prison, but your mind is still there. So, you must make plans to counter attack thoughts of negativity with positive accomplishments. (In order to understand the Intimate details of your Adam and Eve experience you must first rid yourself of your Cain and Abel thinking).